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National Health Insurance

National Health Insurance

If you are a registered resident of Chiba City and do not have medical insurance such as your employer's health insurance, you will be required to take out National Health Insurance.National Health Insurance is a system in which members can receive medical care by sharing insurance premiums and paying a partial contribution to medical expenses.
*International student insurance, life insurance with medical benefits, and travel accident insurance do not fall under Japan's medical insurance system, so please enroll in the National Health Insurance.

For those over XNUMX years old,Medical system for elder senior citizens"Please refer to the

Situations where National Health Insurance can be used

When you get sick or injured

Bring your health insurance card and receive medical treatment at a hospital that handles National Health Insurance.The medical expenses at that time will be 2% to 3%.The remaining 8% to 7% will be paid by Chiba City to hospitals.

When I couldn't get medical treatment with my health insurance card

If you receive medical treatment without an insurance card for unavoidable reasons, pay the full amount of the medical expenses to the hospital, attach the necessary documents, and apply to the Citizen's General Counter Section of each ward office, and then apply to the National Health Insurance Section. The insurer's share of the valuation decision amount stipulated by the insurance will be paid.

Payment of high medical expenses

When the out-of-pocket medical expenses (excluding the difference bet fee and miscellaneous expenses) for one month's insurance medical treatment calculated by hospitalization and outpatient at the same medical institution exceed a certain amount, the difference is based on the application. I will provide it.

When high medical expenses are incurred

By presenting the "Certificate of Applicable Limit", the burden on the counter will be limited to a certain monthly limit, and you will not have to pay a large amount of medical expenses at the counter.Please apply at each ward office citizen general counter section.

When a child is born

When the insured gives birth, a lump-sum birth allowance will be paid to the head of the household.
By using the "lump-sum payment system for childbirth and childcare", the procedure is completed at the medical institution in principle, but if the direct payment system cannot be used or if the childbirth cost is less than the lump-sum payment and a difference occurs. Please bring the following items and apply to the Citizens' General Counter Section or Citizens Center of each ward office.

  1. Insurance card
  2. Maternal and child health handbook
  3. Knowing the bank account in the name of the head of household
  4. A copy of the receipt for childbirth costs issued by hospitals, etc.

When you are injured in a traffic accident or someone else

Originally, the perpetrator should bear the medical expenses, but you can receive medical treatment with the National Health Insurance by notification.Please contact the Citizens' General Counter Section of each ward office before using your health insurance card.
At a later date, the perpetrator will be billed for the medical expenses borne by Chiba City.

National health insurance procedures

How to join National Health Insurance

Please bring your ID (resident card, special permanent resident certificate, etc.) to the Citizens' General Counter Section of each ward office to complete the enrollment procedure.
In principle, insurance premiums are paid by direct debit.If you bring your cash card, you can register your account at the counter.

Those who cannot join the National Health Insurance

  1. Those who do not have a resident card (those for sightseeing or medical purposes, short-term residents of 3 months or less, diplomats).However, even if the period of stay is 3 months or less, those who will stay in Japan for more than 3 months due to the renewal of the period of stay can join.In that case, you need a certificate. (Certificate or proof of school, work place, etc.)
  2. People and dependents who have health insurance at work.


If you fall under any of the following items, you must complete the procedure for withdrawing from National Health Insurance within 14 days and return your health insurance card to the Citizens' General Counter Section of each ward office.

  1. When moving out of Chiba City (Please complete the move-in procedure at the new municipality and join the National Health Insurance)
  2. When you get health insurance at your place of employment (Please bring your health insurance card and National Health Insurance card from your place of employment)
  3. When death
  4. When leaving Japan
  5. When you get welfare

Other procedures

If you fall under any of the following items, you must notify us within 14 days.A national health insurance certificate and ID card (residence card, special permanent resident certificate, etc.) are required for notification.Please carry out the procedure at each ward office citizen general counter section.

  1. When the address changes in the city
  2. When I quit my health insurance at work
  3. When the head of household or name changes
  4. When a child is born

Insurance card

When you join the National Health Insurance, you will be issued one card-style health insurance card to prove that you are a member of the National Health Insurance of Chiba City.Be sure to show your health insurance card when you receive medical treatment at a hospital.

Insurance fee

National health insurance premiums are calculated and totaled for each insured person in the household.The head of the household must pay the premium for all the insured in the household.Payment is by direct debit in principle.